Strategic Planning
Developing an Ongoing Plan
Great accomplishments = great vision!
This is a blueprint to turn ideas, strength, and vision into a plan.
Each step should be reviewed.
Resources identified should ensure long-term success.
Question to Ask...
Background statement/history?
History of your business?
When did the business open?
Why did you open the business?
Why did you get into the business?
What key changes have occurred since it opened?
How is the organization governed and who is the staff?
How are you involved with the community?
What sets you apart from the competition?
Understand your market, trends, competitions, makers/shakers, staff competencies.
Vision - What you want to become.
Mission - What you want to achieve overall.
Statement about the reason for your business.
Create a statement that captures the purpose of your business.
Should be about the reason for your existence.
Learn Something Valuable
Strengths – things you, staff, and business do well at.
Weaknesses – things staff and business don’t do well.
Opportunities – prospects or potential partnerships, collaborators, professionals.
Threats – risks or hazards to staff, business, and families.
Identify What's Important
Focus on where you want to take your business in 1, 3 & 6 years.
Broad, long-range goals.
Should cover the depth of the business.
Should have 4-10 goals
Define What You Must Achieve
How will you get there?
Define expected goals.
Clearly state what your business must do to achieve success.
Objectives: Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound (SMART) items associated with a goal.
Action Plans: How you will accomplish each objective (who/what/when/where/how/why).
Set SMART Goals
Specific: target a specific area for improvement.
Measurable – quantify an indicator of progress.
Achievable – attainable or accomplishable?
Relevant – will goals meet your business, staff, and community needs?
Time-related – specify when it can be achieved.
Determine Who Is Accountable
How will you get there?
Define expected goals.
Clearly state what your business must do to achieve success.
Evaluation: Steps were taken to ensure objectives and action plans are implemented. This will address how you will lead, monitor, and refine the plan.
Assessment: Done concurrently so that you have a feedback process for continuous improvement.
Review and revise your current plan on a monthly basis.
Allow staff members to participate in leadership decision-making.
Hold weekly meetings, review and refine all plans as needed.
Money Management
Clients: All ages
Project: Financial Literacy and Personal Finance
Outcomes: Equipping people with the knowledge required to be financially self-sufficient and sustainable.
Course Design: Custom subject to location and audience, designed to fit groups of 6-12 people per session.
Learning includes:
A household budget is the same as a corporate budget, regardless of the number of zeros behind the dollars.
Being broke vs. being poor
Multiple income sources, and active income vs. passive income
How wealthy people think, shop, and act
Startup business fundamentals that can be applied to your existing career, and potential future sources of income
Plan Components
Situation Analysis – determine where you are
SWOT – identify what’s important
Goals – define what you must achieve
Action Items – determine who is accountable
Conclusions/Recommendations – call to action
Conventional funeral services and cremation has been a top choice of service for families for years. In 2005, Green Burial Council was formed, beginning the launch and initiative for green burials and lower costs…Green burials expose new ways to honor loved ones, arguably our most vested future is the millennials, modern thinkers, environmentalists, and much more. In addition, home funerals and funeral celebrants are starting to emerge too…
Open new services to the community.
Open new service to our families.
Increased natural burial participation for burial.
Partnership with organizations and businesses.
Established educational workshops and replicable partnership models.
Professional learning, program quality assessment (PQA), & metrics.
Limited resources for growing development initiatives.
Not sustainable without incorporating conventional services.
New concept and idea.
Few families will opt for this service.
Lack of tools/staff for sustainable practices and training.
No interest in staff members.
Marketing and brand management need improvement.
Growth in interest from modern thinkers to environmental partners.
Changes in workforce mindset to become more aware.
Become a partner with Green Burial Council.
Mentorship links to funeral careers & green initiatives.
Acceptance of natural burials is an essential component of our future.
Awareness of change in the industry and the need for green stewardship.
Decrease in income and profits.
Competition and surrounding funeral homes.
Marketing - Develop a social media presence.
Families - Develop community educational programs.
Fundraising - Develop stable growth of funding initiatives.
Continuous Improvement - Enforce standards & best practices.
Measurability - Continue to evaluate the number of families served.
Positive Health Development - Enhanced through programs.