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Health Shake

Worksite Wellness

Effective Programs

Lead by example.

Express commitment to protect employees.

Clearly identify the objectives of the program.

Communicate basic health and safety philosophy.

Outline the general responsibilities of all employees.

Be clear that unsafe behaviour will not be tolerated.

Stretching Exercises

Physical Activity

Encourage employees to walk for incentive prizes.


Participate in community walks.


Hold walking meetings.


Offer flexible lunch periods to encourage “buddy” walks.

Walking Club


Promote a stairwell (“Stairwell”) climbing competition. 

Encourage physical activity breaks during long meetings.

Have a goal of the week or month.

Keep a chart of weekly or monthly exercise goals in the office.

Negotiate corporate discounts for health club memberships.

Place physical fitness bulletin boards in strategic areas.

Promote a bike helmet fitting day.

Nutritional Cooking


Use vending machine commissions to help fund wellness programs.


Develop a cookbook and exchange recipes.


Hold recipe contests.


Encourage “Fruit and Vegetable Day” in the cafeteria.


Suggest that employees keep healthy snacks at work.

Stuffed Avocado


Plan company functions with healthy eating choices in mind.

Conduct a support group for weight management. 

Sponsor company weight reduction programs.

Offer information on packing healthy brown bag lunches.

Promote an “Eat Your Greens” campaign on St. Patrick’s Day.

Place charts in break room and cafeteria areas.

Offer nutrition-related resources to employees.

Stress Management 

Offer chair massages at health fairs.

Encourage employees to take time for themselves.

Encourage laughter to reduce stress at the worksite.

Provide employees with relaxation music.

E-mail computer break tips.

Encourage staff to take meal breaks.

Encourage self-confidence and positive outlooks.



Promote smoke-free buildings and meeting rooms.

Provide on-site smoking cessation programs.

Reimburse employees for enrolling in smoking cessation programs.

Provide a tobacco savings calculator tool and have employees see what they could 

do with money they spend on tobacco each year.

Give small gift cards to those who agree not to smoke.

Program Support

Provide incentives.

Arrange paid time off.

Set up displays in the reception area or lobby.

Display health posters in employees’ lunch or meeting rooms.

Send health-related e-cards and other health-related topics.

Host a lunch and learn the disaster preparedness plan.

Provide bulletin boards for health information exchange.

Provide bulletin boards to record milestones they have achieved.

Announce and publicize monthly events.

Conduct recognition activities for employees making efforts.

Send employees personally signed letters congratulating their healthy behaviors. 

Promote success stories or employees of the month

Support Groups
Succulent Plant and Binder Clips

Year One 

Month 1

Letter of support 

Develop mission and vision 

Needs and interest survey

Program plan

Month 2

Kick-off event

Recruit worksite wellness team

Month 3

Hold monthly themed events 

Start draft worksite wellness policy

Month 4

Wellness Challenge (see ideas above)

Month 5

Community walk/service 

Month 6

Hold monthly themed events 

Draft policy due to senior leadership

Month 7

Themed event

Month 8

Celebration event  

Month 9

Health challenge

Month 10

Themed event

Month 11

Community Walk/service

Month 12

Satisfaction survey

Interest survey

Recognition of outstanding wellness

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